How to get rid of fat in the skin face

4 min readApr 26, 2021


Facial skin fat:

One of the most problems suffered by most people and young people especially is the fat on the skin of the face, and the distribution of fat in two forms: either it is a compound fat accumulates in the forehead and nose area and the cheeks are dry or normal, or the skin is oily in the whole face clear pores are a lot of gloss,

Causes of fat accumulation on the face:

Subcutaneous fat cells secrete fatty and oily substances that keep the skin healthy and hydrated, and protect it from infections caused by some types of bacteria and fungi, and in some cases there is an overactive activity of these glands and the flow of excess fat on the external pores of the skin, the causes of this hyperactivity are due to many factors, including genetic، Processed substances, high fat content, obesity in the body, as this activity leads to the accumulation of fat on the skin and its appearance irritatingly.

Symptoms and manifestations of the formation of skin facial fat:

As excess fat secreted in the sebaceous glands of the face area seeps into the pores of the outer skin, it will be always shiny, with a lot of pimples and acne, pallor and loss of freshness, enlarged pores, and the appearance of blackheads.

Tips for getting rid of skin face fat:

There are a few simple steps that reduce the accumulation of fat, turn normal skin into oily skin and mitigate its side effects:

  • Clean face continuously: Wash the face with daily washes for oily skin, avoid rubbing it strongly, rinse it gently with warm and not hot water, avoid rubbing it when dry, and maintain its cleanliness without exaggeration; because the frequent use of water to clean the face or rub it with solid soap stimulates the secretion of more fat, which will increase the problem that is supposed to Any unwanted responses are adopted and used regularly.

The viscosity of the face caused by these fats also forms a suitable environment for collecting dust and bacteria that mainly cause inflammation and acne. There are many types of lotions that can be used to reduce and reduce these fats, their secretion and alleviate their problems, where it is recommended to use chemical-free products, and can be used medical soaps that contain a moisturizing cream and do not contain alkali, thus protecting the skin from the formation of zyuan.

  • Remove makeup before sleeping Daily, stay away from moisturizers oily, and replace them with oil-free.
  • make a face mask weekly to rejuvenate the skin.
  • use appropriate sunscreen that is free of fats and oils.
  • Stay away from stress; studies have shown that stress has to do with increased secreted fat.
  • food quality: it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of food, and to minimize fatty foods, such as fast food, chocolate, and soft drinks, as all of them may lead to increased fat secretion, especially in the skin face

Masks and masks to relieve fat facial skin:

  • Yogurt: it is very useful to use yogurt for all skin types because it is rich in minerals and vitamins, useful to tighten and rejuvenate your skin, get rid of damaged skin. It can be used by mixing a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of lemon juice, a teaspoon of cornstarch, a spoonful of yogurt, a few drops of tea tree oil, then mix and grease on a homogeneous clean skin, leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Rose water: contains rose water at many vitamins and antioxidants that are useful in the treatment of infections caused by accumulated fat, which creates rose water with lemon juice to fight symptoms and oily skin treatment of acne, pimples and various cereals.
  • Yeast :Yeast contains a large number of vitamins, especially vitamin B12, minerals and amino acids, which in turn help cleanse and disinfect the face, fight infections caused by bacteria accumulating on the accumulated fat on the skin, used by mixing a tablespoon of honey, a spoon of lemon juice, a spoon of yeast, with 3 tablespoons of water, and applied to the facial skin.

Characteristics of oily skin:

Skin experts pointed out that people with oily skin or those with a build-up of fat on the face age slower than people with normal or dry skin; because wrinkles are difficult to form and appear due to the permanent accumulation of fat on the surface of the skin, which keeps the skin always moist and smoother.

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